oil painting
Chinese painting

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 #6001 cucurbit, by Xu Huafeng, Chinese Painting
 #5901 plum blossom, by Kang Jincheng, Chinese Painting
 #5301 The Years, by Li Baomin, Chinese Painting
 #5201 Moonlight, by Zhang Junbo, Chinese Painting
 #5001 Mountains and Sea, by Zhai Nan, Chinese Painting
 #4901 Flowers and Birds, by Prof. Zhang Heyun, Chinese Painting
 #7101 Dawn, by Li Jidong, Chinese Painting
 #10601 Morning Sunshine, by Liao Zhenwu, Watercolour Painting
 #3503 Wonderful World, by Zhao Xianwen, Chinese Painting
 #3502 Steep Hills, by Zhao Xianwen, Chinese Painting
 #3501 Countryside, by Zhao Xianwen, Chinese Painting
 #3102 Copenhagen Port, by Huang Laiduo, Oil Painting
 #3101 Convention of North Europe, by Huang Laiduo, Oil Painting
 #3001 Venice Plaza, by Li Xing, Watercolour Painting
 #0205 Sunset, by He Zhesheng, Oil Painting
 #0204 Hometown, by He Zhesheng, Oil Painting
 #0203 Village in the evening, by He Zhesheng, Oil Painting
 #0202 Bright Moon, by He Zhesheng, Oil Painting
 #2901 Old building in Nagano, by Makiuchi Hiloshige, Oil Painting
 #8701 Golden Field, by Denis Ribas, Oil Painting

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